"...it needs addressing... It's the 'metro sexual' look... that's the tight suit jacket and the tight pants, better known as 'tight pants'. And they are tight, I mean tight, all the way down to the ankle. And that is not modest brothers. No. It's not appropriate. It's not sound of mind.
I was proud of one circuit overseer who told me... one of these fella's shows up for his circuit overseer's visit and wants to go out in the ministry and work with him door-to-door, and he's wearing tight pants. And the circuit overseer was man enough - spiritual man enough - to say: "No, I'm not going door-to-door with you. Not with that dress-up. Inappropriate." So, a lot to think about. And, you elders out there listening in, you be kind now, you always want to try to imitate christ jesus. You be spiritual man enough to tell these young fella's: "you don't go out in the ministry looking like that. Not in this organization.
And frankly, I have asked sister after sister: "what do you think of this? Do you find that appealing, attractive? You know, I'm just curious, 'cause I'm not a woman." And you know what? I haven't met one yet that thought they look good.
And like I've been telling them, and others, and this is a FACT, the homosexuals that are designing theses clothes - they like you in tight pants."
- Anthony Morris III